
When is the Right Time to Rebrand Your Business?.

Rebranding your business can seem like a high-risk, high reward gamble, but it doesn't all have to be left up to chance. Distinguishing the need to rebrand from the need to change marketing strategies can be the difference between fortune and failure. Any visual identity design agency will pounce at the opportunity to rebrand a big business, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. For example, in 2010, The Gap lost $100 million after changing its logo without warning. Needless to say, they reverted to their original logo in less than a week. In the spirit of learning from their failures, let's explore when it's the right time to rebrand your business and when it's not.

If you're trying to rebrand to cover up a scandal, then here's some advice: don't. Not only will this not achieve your desired result, but it's also likely to place a bigger spotlight on your scandal when consumers inevitably catch on. But if you're company's values have changed, then a rebrand could be in the cards. A company's visual identity design is often the first expression of a business's mission. So, aligning the visual identity design with your company's new values will help your brand reflect its target market's shared interests.

If you're thinking it's time to rebrand because of new leadership, then think again. A company is bigger than just the people who manage it. Unless those leaders are making changes on an institutional scale, a rebrand is only worth as much as the egos it strokes. But if your company is breaking out of its current market and expanding into new territories, then a rebrand can be a refreshing tool for connecting with a new customer base.

Lastly, if you're rebranding out of sheer boredom, then pick up a new hobby. Just because you're sick of your company's logo doesn't mean your customers who see it far less often are. But if your brand is failing to connect with your customers, then you need to re-examine your marketing strategy and realign your brand with that strategy too.

It's not uncommon that a business needs to rebrand, but that does not diminish how risky and complicated it can be. If you choose to embark on this journey, be sure it's for the right reasons and at the right time.

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