Arlo cameras are mainly used for security purpose. Arlo cameras comes with different features and make you able to manage them. You can access Arlo cameras from anywhere with the help of your phone/computer. Download Arlo application from online store of your phone/computer.
Offline issue cause due to technical errors like low connectivity and base station errors etc. Arlo offline issue cause trouble in recording videos and managing camera. This article will lead you to troubleshoot offline issue.
Follow the steps listed below to resolve offline issue.
1. Unplug Arlo camera, remove battery and then reinsert it, notice the LED light behaviour. Make sure the battery you’re using must be fully charged.
2. If the LED blinks amber, it means battery is critically low.
3.Make sure you’ll have strong internet connectivity.
4. If you don’t know whether your battery is low or dead, logout from Arlo application and login again.
5. If above steps doesn’t help you then try to arlo setup cameras and arlo base station again. Now watch LED behaviour after starting up camera.
6. If LED starts blinking continue, that means your camera is connected to cloud. Try to re-login from Arlo application and check whether your camera is offline of online. If they still appear offline, contact to customer support.
7. If blue and pink LED appears, it means it’s connected to system and cloud too. Re-login into Arlo application and check the status of camera.
8. If LED is not blinking and it’s solid blue, try to setup camera again. Contact to customer support for help.
9. Continue amber blinkage of LED let you to know that camera is connected to network but not with cloud. If you have this issue contact to technical support.
10. If LED starts blinking amber and blue, that means your system obtaining arlo firmware update. Avoid turning off your Arlo system.
If your Arlo system still offline, contact to customer support for help.